Protein: A harmful or beneficial nutrient for bone?
​High protein intakes are considered essential to support the demands of training but can they harm bone development?
​High protein intakes are considered essential to support the demands of training but can they harm bone development?
BCAAs are a popular supplement with a lot of claims but a closer look reveals that evidence isn't actually strong.
We can ingest a lot of protein and break it down, and digest it, but how much is used for protein synthesis?
The best choice of protein source for building muscle is, without question, a hot topic in Sport Nutrition. Here we discuss animal versus pl
Master athletes (40 years and over) may have different nutrition requirements. Especially protein needs may be higher.
Sleep is generally recognised as a critical factor in athlete’s performance. Sleep is thought to affect both physiological and cognitive fun
In a recent publication by Liam Anderson from Liverpool John Moores University and colleagues unique insights in English Premier League...
I grew up in Holland, a country where children drink a lot of milk. The milk came from a cow and other types of milk were rare. Nowadays...
Most athletes easily exceed the recommendations for daily protein intake. However, in order to optimise the effects of training, it is...
The previous blog Time to rethink the protein intake guidelines for athletes? reported on a recently published study from the research...
It is great to see the much needed new and revised position statement by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dietitians of Canada,...
An interesting study was published recently that confirmed a practice that few athletes are following today but may become more common in...
Below is the second part of the interview with Dr Tim Snijders. Part 1 can be found here. Asker: The supplement you gave to your subjects...
In the previous blog I discussed results from a session I chaired at the ECOSEP conference in Barcelona. Professors Kevin Tipton from...
This week I chaired a session at the ECOSEP conference in Barcelona. Some of the top researchers in the field of muscle and tendon injury...
Many children are engaged in sport and some are very talented young athletes. Nutrition is important especially in growing children but...
Recovery starts immediately after exercise. It is well established that the first hours after exercise are particularly important for...
Protein is usually thought of as the number one recovery ingredient. A lot of talk is about how protein will help repair the muscle and...
As discussed in a previous blog, recovery is a broad term that refers to restoration of performance capacity. After a workout you are...
During sleep, protein synthesis rates are normally very low. Professor Luc van Loon from Maastricht University in the Netherlands argued...