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Highlighted publications 

The papers below are open access and can be downloaded via the link. The link will take you to the publishers web site or will bring up a pdf of the article straight away.

PRESENT 2020: Text Expanding on the Checklist for Proper Reporting of Evidence in Sport and Exercise

PRESENT 2020: Text Expanding on the Checklist for Proper Reporting of Evidence in Sport and Exercise

A checklist for scientific publications

Personalised sports nutrition

Personalised sports nutrition

This paper discusses the evidence about personalising nutrition for an athlete.

Training the gut

Training the gut

This paper discusses the whether the gut can be trained like we train our muscles

Personalized sports nutrition

Personalized sports nutrition

This paper provides detailed guidelines for carbohydrate intake during exercise

Carbohydrate during exercise

Carbohydrate during exercise

The background to why carbohydrate feeding improves endurance performance

Caffeine vs coffee PlosONE

Caffeine vs coffee PlosONE

This study compared coffee and caffeine and found similar performance improvements with both.

Coffee & dehydration PlosONE

Coffee & dehydration PlosONE

No evidence of dehydration with moderate coffee consumption. One of the most viewed and shared PlosONE articles in 2014

Nutrition for endurance sports

Nutrition for endurance sports

A review from the IOC sports nutrition consensus meeting in 2010

Gut problems

Gut problems

This paper provides detailed guidelines to prevent gastrointestinal distress during exercise

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