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Full list of publications


  • 1  Jeukendrup, A., M. K. C. Hesselink, A. C. Snyder, H. Kuipers and H. A. Keizer. Physiological changes in male competitive cyclists after two weeks of intensified training. International Journal of Sports Medicine 13: 534-541, 1992. O1

  • 2  Beckers, E. J., A. E. Jeukendrup, F. Brouns, A. J. M. Wagenmakers and W.H.M.Saris. Gastric emptying of carbohydrate-medium chain triglyceride suspensions at rest. International Journal of Sports Medicine 13: 581-584, 1992. O2

  • 3  Cheng, B., H. Kuipers, A. C. Snyder, H. A. Keizer, A. Jeukendrup and M. Hesselink. A new approach for the determination of ventilatory and lactate thresholds. International Journal of Sports Medicine 13: 518-522, 1992. O3

  • 4  Arts, F. J. P., H. Kuipers, A. E. Jeukendrup and W. H. M. Saris. A short cycle ergometer test to predict maximal workload and maximal oxygen uptake. International Journal of Sports Medicine 14: 460-464, 1993. O4

  • 5  Saris, W. H. M., B. H. Goodpaster, A. E. Jeukendrup, F. Brouns, D. Halliday and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Exogenous carbohydrate oxidation from different carbohydrate sources during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology 75: 2168-2172, 1993. O5

  • 6  Snyder, A. C., A. E. Jeukendrup, M. K. C. Hesselink, H. Kuipers and C. Foster. A physiological/psychological indicator of over-reaching during intensive training. International Journal of Sports Medicine 14: 29-32, 1993. O6

  • 7  Jeukendrup, A., W. H. M. Saris and F. Brouns. Substraat gebruik tijdens inspanning: de rol van vetten. Geneeskunde en Sport 27: 116-124, 1994. R1

  • 8  Jeukendrup, A. E. and M. K. C. Hesselink. Overtraining: what do lactate curves tell us? British Journal of Sports Medicine 28: 1994. R2

  • 9  Pasman, W. J., M. A. van Baak, A. E. Jeukendrup and A. de Haan. The effect of varied dosages of caffeine on endurance performance time. International Journal of Sports Medicine 16: 229-234, 1995. O7

  • 10  Leijssen, D. P. C., W. H. M. Saris, A. E. Jeukendrup and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Oxidation of orally ingested [13C]-galactose and [13C]-glucose during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology 79(3): 720-725, 1995. O8

  • 11  Jeukendrup, A. E., P. Schrauwen, A. J. M. Wagenmakers, F. Brouns and W. H. M. Saris. Metabolic availability of medium chain triglycerides co-ingested with carbohydrates during prolonged exercise Journal of Applied Physiology 79(3): 756-762, 1995. O9

  • 12  Jeukendrup, A. E., W. H. M. Saris, F. Brouns and A. D. M. Kester. A new validated endurance performance test. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 27(9): 266-270, 1995. O10

  • 13  Jeukendrup, A. E., W. H. M. Saris, R. Van Diesen, F. Brouns and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Effect of endogenous carbohydrate availability on oral medium-chain triglyceride oxidation during prolonged exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology 80: 949-954, 1996. O11

  • 14  Jeukendrup, A. E., A. J. M. Wagenmakers, F. Brouns, D. Halliday and W. H. M. Saris. Effects of carbohydrate (CHO) and fat supplementation on CHO metabolism during prolonged exercise. Metabolism 45(7): 915-921: 1996. O12

  • 15  Jeukendrup, A. E., L. Borghouts, W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Reduced oxidation rates of ingested glucose during prolonged exercise with low endogenous CHO availability. Journal of Applied Physiology 81: 1952-1957, 1996. O13

  • 16  Hogervorst, E., W. Riedel, A. Jeukendrup and J. Jolles. Cognitive performance after strenuous physical exercise. Perceptual Motor Skills 83: 479-488, 1996. O14

  • 17  Jeukendrup, A. E., F. Brouns, A. J. M. Wagenmakers and W. H. M. Saris. Carbohydrate feedings improve 1 H time trial cycling performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine 18(2): 125-129, 1997. O15

  • 18  Jeukendrup, A. E., M. Mensink, W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Exogenous glucose oxidation during exercise in endurance-trained and untrained subjects. Journal of Applied Physiology 82: 835-840, 1997. O16

  • 19  Jeukendrup, A. E. Invloed van vetdieet en vetsupplementatie op de duurprestatie Geneeskunde en Sport 30(2): 52-55, 1997. R3

  • 20  Coyle, E. F., A. E. Jeukendrup, A. J. M. Wagenmakers and W. H. M. Saris. Fatty acid oxidation is directly regulated by carbohydrate metabolism during exercise. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 273: E268-E275, 1997. O17

  • 21  Jeukendrup, A. E., M. K. C. Hesselink, H. Keizer, H. Kuipers. Lack of scientific background for the Conconi test? International Journal of Sports Medicine 18: 393-396, 1997. L1

  • 22  Jeukendrup, A. E. Koolhydraat en vetinname tijdens inspanning: effecten op metabolisme en prestatie. Tijdschrift voor Dietisten 11: 210-214, 1997. R4

  • 23  Jeukendrup, A. E., J. J. H. C. Thielen, A. J. M. Wagenmakers, F. Brouns and W. H. M. Saris. Effect of MCT and carbohydrate ingestion on substrate utilization and cycling performance. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 67: 397-404, 1998. O18

  • 24  Hawley, J.H., F. Brouns and Jeukendrup, A. E. Nutritional strategies to enhance fat metabolism during exercise Sports Medicine 25(4): 241-257, 1998. R5

  • 25  Jeukendrup, A. E., W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Fat metabolism during exercise: a review. Part I: Fat mobilization and oxidation International Journal of Sports Medicine 19: 1-14, 1998. R6

  • 26  Jeukendrup, A. E., W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Fat metabolism during exercise: a review. Part II: Regulation and the effect of training International Journal of Sports Medicine 20 293-301, 1998. R7

  • 27  Jeukendrup, A. E., W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Fat metabolism during exercise: a review. Part III: The effects of nutritional interventions International Journal of Sports Medicine 19: 371-379, 1998. R8

  • 28  Jeukendrup, A.E. and A. Van Diemen. Heart rate during training and competition – cycling. Journal of Sports Sciences 16: S91-99, 1998. R9

  • 29  Oomen, J and Jeukendrup, A.E. De rol van intramusculair triacylglycerol tijdens inspanning. Geneeskunde en Sport 31(6): 176-183, 1998. R10

  • 30  Jeukendrup, A. E., A. Raben, A. Gijsen, J. Stegen, F. Brouns, W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Glucose kinetics during prolonged exercise following glucose ingestion: a comparison of tracers. Journal of Physiology 515.2: 579-589, 1999. O19

  • 31  Jeukendrup, A. E., J. Stegen, A. Gijsen, F. Brouns, W. H. M. Saris and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Carbohydrate ingestion can completely suppress endogenous glucose production during exercise. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 276: E672-E683, 1999. O20

  • 32  L. J.C. van Loon, A. E. Jeukendrup, W.H.M. Saris and A.J.M. Wagenmakers. Effect of training status on fuel selection during submaximal exercise with glucose ingestion. Journal of Applied Physiology 87(4): 1413-1418, 1999. O21

  • 33  A.E. Jeukendrup Dietary fat and physical performance Current Opinions in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 2: 521-526, 1999. R11

  • 34  A.E. Jeukendrup Mogelijke verbanden tussen voeding en overtraining Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Sportgeneeskunde 80: 37-45, 1999. R12

  • 35  A.E. Jeukendrup, K. Vet-Joop, A. Sturk, J.H.J.C. Stegen, J. Senden, W.H.M.Saris, and A.J.M.Wagenmakers Relationship between gastro-intestinal complaints and endotoxaemia, cytokine release and acute phase reaction during and after a long-distance triathlon. Clinical Science 98 (1): 47-55, 2000. O22

  • 36  A.E. Jeukendrup and L.P.G. Jentjens Efficacy of carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise: current thoughts, guidelines and directions for future research. Sports Medicine 29(6): 407-424, 2000. R13

  • 37  A.E. Jeukendrup, N. Craig and J. Hawley. Physiological demands of World Class Cycling. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 3(4): 400-419, 2000 R14

  • 38  Jeukendrup, A.E. and J. Martin. Improving cycling performance: how should we spend our time and money? Sports Medicine (Suppl) 31(7): 559-569. 2000. R15

  • 39  Coyle, E.F. A.E. Jeukendrup, M. C. Oseto, B.J. Hodgkinson and T.W. Zderic. A chronic low fat diet alters intramuscular substrates and reduces lipolysis and fat oxidation during exercise. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 280 (3): E391- 3998, 2001. O23

  • 40  Moseley L. and A.E. Jeukendrup The reliability of cycling efficiency. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 33(4):621-627, 2001. O24

  • 41  Romer, L.M., J. Barrington, and A.E.Jeukendrup. Effect of creatine on high intensity intermittent exercise performance in squash players. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 22: 546-552, 2001. O25

  • 42  Jentjens, L.P.G., L.J.C. van Loon, C.H. Mann, A.J.M. Wagenmakers, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Addition of protein and amino acids to carbohydrates does not enhance postexercise muscle glycogen synthesis. Journal of Applied Physiology 91: 839-46, 2001. O26

  • 43  Bastiaans, J.J., A.B.J.P. van Diemen, T. Veneberg and A.E.Jeukendrup. The effects of replacing a portion of endurance training by explosive strength training on performance in trained cyclists. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 86: 79-84, 2001. O27

  • 44  Jeukendrup, A.E. and J. Achten Short review: Fatmax, a new concept to optimize fat oxidation during exercise? European Journal of Sports Sciences 1(5): 1-5, 2001. R16

  • 45  Achten, J. M. Gleeson and A.E.Jeukendrup. Determination of the exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation . Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 34 (1), 92-97, 2002. O28

  • 46  Carter, J. and A.E. Jeukendrup Validity and reliability of three breath-by-breath respiratory systems European Journal of Applied Physiology 86(5):435-441, 2002. O29

  • 47  Jentjens, L.P.G., A.J.M. Wagenmakers, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Heat stress increases muscle glycogen oxidation but reduces oxidation of ingested carbohydrates during prolonged exercise Journal of Applied Physiology 92(4):1562-72, 2002. O30

  • 48  Jentjens, L.P.G. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Effect of acute and short-term administration of vanadyl sulphate on insulin sensitivity in healthy active humans. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 12: 434-443, 2002 O31

  • 49  Jentjens, L.P.G. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Prevalence of hypoglycemia following pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion is not accompanied by higher insulin sensitivity. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 12: 444-459, 2002 O32

  • 50  A.E.Jeukendrup Regulation of skeletal muscle lipid metabolism at rest and during exercise Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 967: 217-235, 2002. R17

  • 51  Halson, S., M. Bridge, B. Busschaert, R. Meeusen, M.Gleeson, D.A. Jones and A.E. Jeukendrup. Time course of performance changes and markers of fatigue in response to intensified training in cyclists Journal of Applied Physiology 93: 947-956, 2002. O33

  • 52  Brouns, F, M. van Nieuwenhoven, M., A.E. Jeukendrup, and W van Marken-Lichtenbelt. Functional Foods and Food Supplements for Athletes: from Myths to Benefit Claims Substantiation through the study of selected biomarkers. British Journal of Nutrition 88 (Suppl 2): S177-S186, 2002 O34

  • 53  Jentjens, L.P.G., C. Cale, C. Gutch, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Effects of pre-exercise ingestion of different amounts of carbohydrate on subsequent metabolism and cycling performance European Journal of Applied Physiology 88(4-5): 444-452, 2003. O35

  • 54  Jentjens, L.P.G., and A.E. Jeukendrup. Effects of pre-exercise ingestion of trehalose, galactose and glucose on subsequent metabolism and cycling performance European Journal of Applied Physiology 88(4-5): 453-458, 2003. O36

  • 55  Moseley, L., G. I. Lancaster, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Effects of timing of pre-exercise ingestion of carbohydrate on subsequent metabolism and cycling performance European Journal of Applied Physiology 88(4-5): 459-465, 2003. O3

  • 56  Achten, J., and A.E. Jeukendrup Effects of pre-exercise ingestion of carbohydrate on glycaemic and insulinaemic responses during subsequent exercise at differing intensities European Journal of Applied Physiology 88(4-5): 466-471, 2003. O38

  • 57  Halson, S.L., G.I. Lancaster, A.E. Jeukendrup and M. Gleeson. Immunological responses to overreaching in cyclists. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35(5): 854-861, 2003 O39

  • 58  Carter, J., A.E. Jeukendrup, T. Mundel and D.A. Jones. Carbohydrate supplementation improves moderate and high-intensity exercise in the heat. Pfluegers Archives- European Journal of Physiology 446(2): 211-219, 2003. O40

  • 59  Jentjens, L.P.G., and A.E. Jeukendrup. Glycogen resynthesis after exercise Sports Medicine 33 (2):117-144, 2003. R18

  • 60  A.E. Jeukendrup. High-carbohydrate versus high-fat diets in endurance sports Schweitzerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie 51 (1): 17-24, , 2003. R19

  • 61  Saris, W.H.M., J.-M. Antoine, F. Brouns, M. Fogelholm, M. Gleeson, P.Hespel, A.E. Jeukendrup, R.J.Maughan, and V. Stich. PASSCLAIM - Physical performance and fitness. European Journal of Nutrition 42 (Suppl 1):150-195, 2003. R20

  • 62  Achten, J. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Heart rate monitoring and exercise. Developments, applications and limitations. Sports Medicine 33 (7):517-38, 2003. R21

  • 63  Achten J., M.C. Venables and A.E. Jeukendrup. Fat oxidation is higher during running compared to cycling over a wide range of intensities. Metabolism, 52(6):747-52, 2003 O41

  • 64  Atkinson G., R. Davison, A.E. Jeukendrup and L. Passfield Science and cycling: current knowledge and future directions for research. Journal of Sports Sciences 21(9): 767-787, 2003 R22

  • 65  Jeukendrup, A.E., D.T. Martin, Gore, C.J. Letter to the editor: Are world-class cyclists really more efficient? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 35 (7):1238-1239, 2003. L2

  • 66  Achten, J., D.Sutedja, J.Hohnson, A E. Jeukendrup, D.A. Jones and E. Elias. Effect of endurance training on liver function in patients with non-alcoholic steato hepatitis. European Journal of Sport Science 3(4): 1-13, 2003. O42

  • 67  Achten J. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Maximal fat oxidation during exercise in trained men. International Journal of Sports Medicine 24 (8): 603-608, 2003. O43

  • 68  Lancaster, G., R.L.P.G. Jentjens, L. Moseley, A.E. Jeukendrup, and M. Gleeson. Effect of pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion on plasma cytokine, stress hormone and neutrophil degranulation responses to continuous, high intensity exercise. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 13: 436-453, 2003. O44

  • 69  Jentjens, R.L.P.G., L. Moseley, R.H. Waring, L.K. Harding, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Oxidation of combined ingestion of glucose and fructose during exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 96(4):1277-1284, 2004 O45

  • 70  Jentjens, R.L.P.G., M.C. Venables, and A.E. Jeukendrup Oxidation of exogenous glucose, sucrose and maltose during prolonged cycling exercise Journal of Applied Physiology, 96(4):1285-1291, 2004 O46

  • 71  Jentjens, R.L.P.G., J. Achten, and A.E. Jeukendrup. High rates of exogenous carbohydrate oxidation from multiple transportable carbohydrates ingested during prolonged exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 36(9): 1551-1558, 2004. O47

  • 72  Achten, J., S.L. Halson, L. Moseley, M.P. Rayson, A.C. Casey, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Higher dietary carbohydrate content during intensified running training results in better maintenance of performance and mood state. Journal of Applied Physiology: 1331-1340 Apr 2004 O48

  • 73  Jeukendrup, A.E., Modulation of carbohydrate and fat utilization by diet, exercise and environment. Biochemical Society Transactions, 31(6): 1270-1273, 2003. R23

  • 74  Achten J and A.E. Jeukendrup. The effect of pre-exercise carbohydrate feeding on the intensity which elicits maximal fat oxidation. Journal of Sports Sciences 24(8):603-608, 2003 O49

  • 75  Hargreaves, M., J.A.Hawley and A.E.Jeukendrup. Pre-exercise carbohydrate and fat ingestion: effects on metabolism and performance. Journal of Sports Sciences 22: 31-38, 2003. R24

  • 76  Achten J. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Relation between lactate concentration and fat oxidation over a wide range of intensities. International Journal of Sports Medicine 25(1):32-37, 2004. O50

  • 77  Moseley, L., J. Achten, J. Martin and A.E. Jeukendrup. No differences in cycling efficiency between world-class and recreational cyclists International Journal of Sports Medicine 24: 1-6, 2004. O51

  • 78  Koopman, R., D.L.E. Pannemans, A.E. Jeukendrup, A.P. Gijsen, J.M.G. Senden, D. Halliday, W.H.M. Saris, L.J.C. van Loon and A.J.M. Wagenmakers Changes in protein metabolism during and following prolonged endurance exercise. Effect of nutritional supplements and discrepancies between tracers. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 287: E712–E720, 2004.O52

  • 79  Jeukendrup, A.E. and S. Aldred. Fat supplementation, health and endurance performance. Nutrition 20: 678-688, 2004. R25

  • 80  Achten, J. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Optimising fat oxidation through exercise and diet. Nutrition 20: 716-727, 2004. R26

  • 81  Jeukendrup, A.E. Carbohydrate intake during exercise and performance. Nutrition 20: 669- 677, 2004. R27

  • 82  Whitham, M, G.I. Lancaster, S.L. Halson, A.E. Jeukendrup and M.Gleeson. Leucocyte heat shock protein expression before and after intensified training International Journal of Sports Medicine 25: 522-527, 2004. O53

  • 83  Carter, J., A.E. Jeukendrup, C.H.Mann and D.A.Jones. The effect of glucose infusion on 1h cycle time-trial performance. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 36(9): 1543- 1550, 2004. O54

  • 84  Jentjens, R.L.P.G., C. Shaw, T. Birtles, R.H. Waring, L.K. Harding, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Oxidation of combined ingestion of glucose and sucrose during exercise. Metabolism 54: 610-618, 2005 O55

  • 85  Carter, J., A.E. Jeukendrup, D.A.Jones. The effect of carbohydrate mouth-rinse on 1 h cycle time-trial performance. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 36(12): 2107- 2111, 2004. O56

  • 86  Halson, S.L., G.I. Lancaster, J.Achten, M.Gleeson and A.E. Jeukendrup. Effect of carbohydrate supplementation on performance and carbohydrate oxidation following intensified cycling training Journal Applied Physiology 97: 1245–1253, 2004. O57

  • 87  Halson, S.L. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Does overtraining exist? An analysis of overreaching and overtraining research Sports Medicine 34(14): 967-981, 2004 R26

  • 88  Lancaster, G.I., S.L. Halson, Q. Khan, P. Drysdale, F. Wallace, A.E. Jeukendrup, M.T. Drayson, M. Gleeson. Effects of acute exhaustive exercise and chronic exercise training on type 1 and type 2 T lymphocytes. Exercise and Immunology Reviews 4; 10:91-106, 2004. O58

  • 89  Lancaster, G.I., Q. Khan, P.T. Drysdale, F. Wallace, A.E. Jeukendrup, M.T. Drayson, and M Gleeson Effect of prolonged exercise and carbohydrate ingestion on type 1 and type 2 T lymphocyte distribution and intracellular cytokine production in humans. J Appl Physiol (August 20, 2004). doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00754.2004. 98(2):565-571, 2005 O59

  • 90  Venables, M.C., L.Shaw, A.E. Jeukendrup, A. Roedig-Penman, R.G.Newcombe and A.J.Smith. The potential erosive effect of 3 drinks on dental enamel during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37(1):39-44, 2005. O60

  • 91  Lancaster, G.L., Q. Khan, P. Drysdale, F. Wallace, M.Drayson, A.E. Jeukendrup, and M. Gleeson. The physiological regulation of toll-like receptor expression and function in humans: the influence of diurnal rhytmicity and physical stress. Journal of Physiology published (10.1113/jphysiol.2004.081224) 15;563(Pt 3):945-55, 2005 O61

  • 92  Venables, M .C., J. Achten and A. E. Jeukendrup Fat oxidation during exercise is more strongly linked to physical activity level and VO2max than body fat. Journal of Applied Physiology. (August 27, 2004). doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00662.2003. 98(1):160-167, 2005 O62

  • 93  Jeukendrup, A.E. and G.A. Wallis. Measurements of substrate oxidation during exercise by means of gas exchange measurements. International Journal of Sports Medicine (DOI: 10.1055/s-2004-830512 2004) 26 (Suppl 1) S28-S37, 2005. R28

  • 94  Jentjens, R.L.P.G. and A.E. Jeukendrup. High exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates from a mixture of glucose and fructose ingested during prolonged cycling exercise. British Journal of Nutrition 93(4): 485-92, 2005. O63

  • 95  Jeukendrup, A.E., R.L.P.G. Jentjens L. Moseley Nutritional considerations in triathlon. Sports Medicine 35(2):163-181, 2005 R29

  • 96  Carter, J., A.E. Jeukendrup, D.A. Jones. The effect of sweetness on the efficacy of carbohydrate supplementation in the heat. Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology 30(4): 379-391, 2005. O64

  • 97  Wallis, G.A., D.A. Rowlands, C. Shaw, R.L.P.G. Jentjens and A.E. Jeukendrup. Oxidation of combined ingestion of maltodextrins and fructose during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37(3): 426-32, 2005. O65

  • 98  Tarnopolsky, M.A., M. Gibala, A.E. Jeukendrup, and S.M. Phillips. Nutritional Needs of Elite Endurance Athletes. Part I Carbohydrate and fluid requirements. European Journal of Sport Science 5(1): 3-14 2005. R30

  • 99  Tarnopolsky, M.A., M. Gibala, A.E. Jeukendrup, and S.M. Phillips. Nutritional Needs of Elite Endurance Athletes. Part II: Dietary protein and the potential role of caffeine and creatine. European Journal of Sport Science 5(2): 59-72 2005. R31

  • 100  Moseley, L., R.L.P.G. Jentjens, R.H. Waring, R.M. Harris, L.K. Harding, and A. E. Jeukendrup. The measurement of exogenous carbohydrate oxidation: A comparison of [U- 13C]-glucose and [U-14C]-glucose tracers. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 2005 Aug; 289(2): E206-11. O66

  • 101  Yeo, S.E., R.L.P.G. Jentjens, G.A. Wallis, and A.E. Jeukendrup Caffeine increases exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during exercise Journal of Applied Physiology 99(3): 844-50, 2005 O67

  • 102  Jeukendrup, A.E. Fettverbrennung und körperliche Aktivität Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Sportmedizin 56(9): 338, 2005 R32

  • 103  Jeukendrup, A.E. and K. Currell. Should time trial performance be predicted from three serial time-to-exhaustion tests? Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37(10): 1826, 2005 L3

  • 104  Rowlands, D.S., G.A.Wallis, C. Shaw, R.L. Jentjens, A.E. Jeukendrup. Glucose polymer molecular weight does not affect exogenous carbohydrate oxidation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 37(9): 1510-1516, 2005 O68

  • 105  Jentjens, R.L.P.G, K. Currell, J.Achten, C.H.Mann and A.E. Jeukendrup. Exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates are elevated following combined ingestion of glucose and fructose during exercise in the heat . Journal of Applied Physiology 100(3):807-816, 2006. O69

  • 106  Wallis, G.A., R.Dawson, J. Achten, J. Webber and A.E. Jeukendrup Metabolic response to carbohydrate ingestion during exercise in males and females. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism 290(4):E708-E715, 2006 O70

  • 107  Jeukendrup, A.E., L. Moseley, G.I. Mainwaring, S. Samuels, S. Perry, and C.H. Mann. Exogenous carbohydrate oxidation during ultra-endurance exercise Journal of Applied Physiology 100(4):1134-1141, 2006. O71

  • 108  Kaastra, B., R.J.F. Manders, E. van Breda, A. Kies, A.E. Jeukendrup, H.A. Keizer, H. Kuipers, and L.J.C. van Loon. Effects of increasing insulin secretion on acute post-exercise blood glucose disposal. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38(2):268-275, 2006 O72

  • 109  Hodges,K., S. Hancock, K. Currell, B. Hamilton and A.E. Jeukendrup Pseudoephedrine enhances performance in 1500 meter runners. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 38(2):329-333, 2006. O73

  • 110  Nevill, A. M., S. A. Jobson, R. C. Davison and A. E. Jeukendrup (2006). Optimal power-to- mass ratios when predicting flat and hill-climbing time-trial cycling. European Journal of Applied Physiology 97(4):424-31, 2006 O74

  • 111  Jobson S.A., A.M., Nevill, G.S Palmer, A.E. Jeukendrup, M.Doherty, G.Atkinson. The ecological validity of laboratory cycling: Does body size explain the difference between laboratory- and field-based cycling performance? Journal of Sports Sciences 25(1):3-9, 2007 O75

  • 112  Thorburn, M.S., B.Vistisen, R.M. Thorp, M.J. Rockell, A.E. Jeukendrup, X. Xu, B. Kiens and D.S. Rowlands. Attenuated gastric distress but no benefit to performance with adaptation to octanoate-rich esterified oils in well-trained male and female cyclists. Journal of Applied Physiology 101(6):1733-1743, 2006 O76

  • 113  Currell K, RLP Jentjens and AE Jeukendrup. Reliability of a cycling time trial in a glycogen- depleted state. European Journal of Applied Physiology 98(6):583-589, 2006 O77

  • 114  Wallis GA, Yeo SE, Blannin AK, Jeukendrup AE. Dose-response effects of ingested carbohydrate on exercise metabolism in women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 39(1):131-138, 2007 O78

  • 115  Achten, J., R.L.P.G. Jentjens and A.E. Jeukendrup. Exogenous oxidation of sucrose and isomaltulose ingested during moderate intensity exercise. Journal of Nutrition 137(5):1143- 8, 2007. O79

  • 116  Smith, G. I., A. E. Jeukendrup and D. Ball. Sodium Acetate Induces a Metabolic Alkalosis but Not the Increase in Fatty Acid Oxidation Observed Following Bicarbonate Ingestion in Humans. Journal of Nutrition 137(7): 1750-1756, 2007. O80

  • 117  Venables, M. C., C. S. Shaw, A. E. Jeukendrup and A. J. Wagenmakers (2007). Effect of acute exercise on glucose tolerance following post-exercise feeding. European Journal of Applied Physiology 100(6):711-717,2007 O81

  • 118  Thorburn, M.S., B. Vistisen, R.M. Thorp, M.J. Rockell, A.E. Jeukendrup, X.Xu, and D.S. Rowlands No attenuation of gastric distress or benefit to performance with adaptation to octanoate-rich esterified oils in female cyclists. European Journal of Sport science 7(4): 179-192, 2007 O82

  • 119  Tipton, K.D., A.E.Jeukendrup, P. Hespel. Nutrition for the sprinter. J Sports Sci. 25 Suppl 1:5-15, 2007. R33

  • 120  Currell K, and A.E. Jeukendrup. Superior performance with glucose and fructose ingestion during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40(2):275-81, 2008 O83

  • 121  Venables, M., A.E.Jeukendrup. Green tea extract ingestion, fat oxidation and glucose tolerance in healthy humans. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 87(3):778-84, 2008 O84

  • 122  A.E. Jeukendrup, Carbohydrate feeding during exercise. European Journal of Sport Science 2008 R34

  • 123  Currell, K and A.E.Jeukendrup. Validity, reliability and sensitivity of measures of sporting performance Sports Medicine 38(4):297-316, 2008 R35

  • 124  Venables M.C. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Endurance training and obesity: effect on substrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40(3):495- 502, 2008. O85

  • 125  Halsey,L.G., E.L.C. Shepard, C.J. Hulston, M.C. Venables, C.R. White, A.E. Jeukendrup, R.P. Wilson. Acceleration versus heart rate for estimating energy expenditure and speed during locomotion in animals: Tests with an easy model species, Homo sapiens. Zoology (Jena) 111, 231-241, 2008. O86

  • 126  Solomon TP, Chambers ES, Jeukendrup AE, Toogood AA, Blannin AK.. The effect of feeding frequency on insulin and ghrelin responses in human subjects. British Journal Nutrition 8:1-10, 2008 O87

  • 127  Jeukendrup, A.E. and L. Moseley. Multiple transportable carbohydrates enhance gastric emptying and fluid delivery. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. 20(1) 112-121, 2008 O88

  • 128  Venables M.C. and A.E. Jeukendrup. Exogenous trehalose and maltose oxidation during prolonged exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 40(9):1653-9, 2008 O89

  • 129  Wallis, G.A., C. J. Hulston, C.H. Mann, H.P. Roper, K.D. Tipton and A.E. Jeukendrup Post- Exercise Muscle Glycogen Synthesis with Combined Glucose and Fructose Ingestion Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40(10):1789-94,2008 . O90

  • 130  Jeukendrup AE., Hopkins S, Aragón-Vargas LF and Hulston C. No effect of carbohydrate feeding on 16 km cycling time trial performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology 104(5):831-837, 2008 O91

  • 131  Hulston and A.E. Jeukendrup. Substrate Metabolism and Exercise Performance with Caffeine and Carbohydrate Intake. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 40(12):2096-2104, 2008 O92

  • 132  Jobson, S.A., Nevill, A.M., George, S.R., Jeukendrup, A.E. and Passfield, L. Influence of body position when considering the ecological validity of laboratory time-trial cycling performance. Journal of Sports Sciences 26(12):1269-78, 2008 O93

  • 133  Currell, K., J.Urch, E.Cerri, RLP Jentjens, AK Blannin and AE Jeukendrup Plasma deuterium oxide accumulation following ingestion of different carbohydrate beverages. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 33(6):1067-72, 2008 O94

  • 134  Hulston CJ, Wallis GA, Jeukendrup AE. Effect Exogenous CHO oxidation with glucose plus fructose intake during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 41(2):357- 63.2009 O95

  • 135  Currell, K., S. Conway and A.E.Jeukendrup. Reliability, validity and sensitivity of a new test of soccer performance International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise metabolism 19(1):34-46, 2009 O96

  • 136  Jeukendrup AE, Currell K, Clarke J, Cole J, Blannin AK. Effect of beverage glucose and sodium content on fluid delivery. Nutrition and Metabolism (London). 20;6:9, 2009. O97

  • 137  Venables MC, Jeukendrup AE. Physical inactivity and obesity: links with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 25 Suppl 1:S18-23, 2009 R36

  • 138  Jeukendrup AE, Tipton KD. Legal nutritional boosting for cycling. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2009 Jul-Aug;8(4):186-91, 2009 R37

  • 139  Jeukendrup AE, Tipton KD, Gibala MJ. Protein plus carbohydrate does not enhance 60-km time-trial performance. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 19(4):335-7, 2009 L01

  • 140  Hulston CJ, Wallis GA, Jeukendrup AE. Effect Exogenous CHO oxidation with glucose plus fructose intake during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 41(2):357- 63.2009 O98

  • 141  Pfeiffer B, Cotterill A, Grathwohl D, Stellingwerff T, Jeukendrup AE. The effect of carbohydrate gels on gastrointestinal tolerance during a 16-km run. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 19(5):485-503, 2009 O99

  • 142  Beelen M, Berghuis J, Bonaparte B, Ballak SB, Jeukendrup AE, van Loon LJ. Carbohydrate mouth rinsing in the fed state: lack of enhancement of time-trial performance. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 19(4):400-9, 2009 O100

  • 143  Hulston CJ, Jeukendrup AE. No placebo effect from carbohydrate intake during prolonged exercise. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 19(3):275-84, 2009 O101

  • 144  Breen L, Tipton KD, Jeukendrup AE. No Effect of Carbohydrate-Protein on Cycling Performance and Indices of Recovery. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 42(6): 1140-1148, 2009 O102

  • 145  Jackman SR, Witard OC, Jeukendrup AE, Tipton KD. Branched-chain amino acid ingestion can ameliorate soreness from eccentric exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 42(5):962-970, 2010 O103

  • 146  Hulston CJ, Venables MC, Mann CH, Martin C, Philp A, Baar K, Jeukendrup AE. Training with Low Muscle Glycogen Enhances Fat Metabolism in Well-Trained Cyclists. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise 42(11); 2046-2055, 2010 O104

  • 147  Pfeiffer B, Stellingwerff T, Zaltas E, Jeukendrup AE. Carbohydrate oxidation from a carbohydrate gel compared to a drink during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 42(11): 2038-2045, 2010 O105

  • 148  Pfeiffer B, Cotterill A, Grathwohl D, Stellingwerff T, Jeukendrup AE. Oxidation of solid versus liquid carbohydrate sources during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, 42(11): 2030-2037, 2010 O106

  • 149  Witard OC, Jackman SR, Kies AK, Jeukendrup AE, Tipton KD. Effect of increased dietary protein on tolerance to intensified training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43(4):598-607, 2011. O107

  • 150  Pfeiffer B, Stellingwerff T, Zaltas E, Hodgson AB, Jeukendrup AE. Carbohydrate oxidation from a drink during running compared with cycling exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Feb;43(2):327-34, 2011. O108

  • 151  Jeukendrup AE. Carbohydrate and exercise performance: the role of multiple transportable carbohydrates. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2010 Jul;13(4):452-7. R38

  • 152  Jeukendrup AE, Chambers ES. Carbohydrate sensing and performance. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care 13(4): 447-451, 2010. R39

  • 153  Jeukendrup A, Cronin L. Nutrition and elite young athletes. Med Sport Sci 56:47-58. 2011. R40

  • 154  Hopkins M, Asker Jeukendrup AE, King NA, Blundell JE. The Relationship Between Substrate Metabolism, Exercise and Appetite Control: Does Substrate Oxidation Influence the Motivation to Eat, Energy Intake or Food Choice? Sports Med. 41(6):507-21, 2011 O109

  • 155  Décombaz J, Jentjens R, Ith M, Scheurer E, Buehler T, Jeukendrup A, Boesch C. Fructose and galactose enhance postexercise human liver glycogen synthesis. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 43(10):1964-71, 2011 O110

  • 156  Yeo SE, McGee SL, Garnham A, Wentworth JM, Jeukendrup AE, Hargreaves, M. Exercise training increases adipose tissue GLUT4 in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab. 13(10):959-62, 2011 O111

  • 157  Breen L, Philp A, Shaw CS, Jeukendrup AE, Baar K, Tipton KD. Beneficial effects of resistance exercise on glycemic control are not further improved by protein ingestion. PLoS One. 6(6), 2011 O112

  • 158  Burke LM, Hawley JA, Wong SH, Jeukendrup AE. Carbohydrates for training and competition. J Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S17-27. R41

  • 159  Jeukendrup AE, Randell Fat burners: nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism. Obes Rev. 12(10):841-51, 2011 R42

  • 160  Pfeiffer B, Stellingwerff T, Hodgson AB, Randell R, Pöttgen K, Res P, Jeukendrup AE. Nutritional Intake and Gastrointestinal Problems during Competitive Endurance Events. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 44(2):344-51, 2012 O113

  • 161  Jeukendrup AE. Nutrition for endurance sports: marathon, triathlon, and road cycling. J Sports Sci. 2011;29 Suppl 1:S91-9 R43

  • 162  Jeukendrup AE, McLaughlin J. Carbohydrate Ingestion during Exercise: Effects on Performance, Training Adaptations and Trainability of the Gut. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 69:1-17, 2011. R44

  • 163  Jeukendrup AE. Can it all be explained by metabolism and its manipulation? Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine 2012 R45

  • 164  Witard OC, Turner JE, Jackman SR, Tipton KD, Jeukendrup AE, Kies AK, Bosch JA. High- intensity training reduces CD8+ T-cell redistribution in response to exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 44(9):1689-97, 2012 O114

  • 165  Hodgson AB, Randell RK, Boon N, Garczarek U, Mela DJ, Jeukendrup AE, Jacobs DM. Metabolic response to green tea extract during rest and moderate-intensity exercise. J Nutr Biochem. 24(1):325-34, 2013 O115

  • 166  Randell RK, Hodgson AB, Lotito SB, Jacobs DM, Boon N, Mela DJ, Jeukendrup AE. Med Sci Sports Exerc. No effect of 1 or 7 d of green tea extract ingestion on fat oxidation during exercise. 45(5):883-91, 2013 O116

  • 167  Smith GI, Jeukendrup AE, Ball D. The effect of sodium acetate ingestion on the metabolic response to prolonged moderate-intensity exercise in humans. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 23(4):357-68, 2013 O117

  • 168  Hodgson AB, Randell RK, Jeukendrup AE. The effect of green tea extract on fat oxidation at rest and during exercise: evidence of efficacy and proposed mechanisms. Adv Nutr. 4(2):129-40, 2013 O118

  • 169  Hodgson AB, Randell RK, Jeukendrup AE. The metabolic and performance effects of caffeine compared to coffee during endurance exercise. PLoS One. 8(4):e59561. 2013 O119

  • 170  Wylie LJ, Kelly J, Bailey SJ, Blackwell JR, Skiba PF, Winyard PG, Jeukendrup AE, Vanhatalo A, Jones AM. Beetroot juice and exercise: pharmacodynamic and dose- response relationships. J Appl Physiol 115(3):325-36, 2013 O120

  • 171  Jeukendrup AE. Oral carbohydrate rinse: placebo or beneficial? Curr Sports Med Rep. 12(4):222-7, 2013 R46

  • 172  Jeukendrup A. The new carbohydrate intake recommendations. Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 75:63-71, 2013. R47

  • 173  Witard OC, Turner JE, Jackman SR, Kies AK, Jeukendrup AE, Bosch JA, Tipton KD. High dietary protein restores overreaching induced impairments in leukocyte trafficking and reduces the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection in elite cyclists. Brain Behav Immun. 39:211-9, 2014. O121

  • 174  Randell RK, Hodgson AB, Lotito SB, Jacobs DM, Rowson M, Mela DJ, Jeukendrup AE. Variable duration of decaffeinated green tea extract ingestion on exercise metabolism. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 46(6):1185-93, 2014. O122

  • 175  Hodgson AB, Randell RK, Mahabir-Jagessar-T K, Lotito S, Mulder T, Mela DJ, Jeukendrup AE, Jacobs DM. Acute effects of green tea extract intake on exogenous and endogenous metabolites in human plasma. J Agric Food Chem. 62(5):1198-208, 2014 O123

  • 176  Killer SC, Blannin AK, Jeukendrup AE. No evidence of dehydration with moderate daily coffee intake: a counterbalanced cross-over study in a free-living population. PLoS One. 9(1), 2014 O124

  • 177  Baker LB, Jeukendrup AE. Optimal composition of fluid-replacement beverages. Compr Physiol. 4(2):575-620, 2014. R48

  • 178  Baker LB, Heaton LE, Stein KW, Nuccio RP, Jeukendrup AE. Validity and relative validity of a novel digital approach for 24-h dietary recall in athletes. Nutr J 13:41, 2014 O125

  • 179  Jeukendrup A. A step towards personalized sports nutrition: carbohydrate intake during exercise. Sports Med. 44 Suppl 1:S25-33, 2014. R49

  • 180  de Oliveira EP, Burini RC, Jeukendrup A. Gastrointestinal complaints during exercise: prevalence, etiology, and nutritional recommendations. Sports Med. 44 Suppl 1:S79-85, 2014 R50

  • 181  Jacobs DM, Hodgson AB, Randell RK, Mahabir-Jagessar-T K, Garczarek U, Jeukendrup AE, Mela DJ, Lotito S. Metabolic response to decaffeinated green tea extract during rest and moderate-intensity exercise. J Agric Food Chem. 62(40):9936-43, 2014 O126

  • 182  Baker LB, Nuccio RP, Jeukendrup AE. Acute effects of dietary constituents on motor skill and cognitive performance in athletes. Nutr Rev 72(12):790-802. 2014. R51 



Last updated January 2015

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