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134 High resolution infographics on a variety of topics in JPG format without watermark. 600dpi


How various diets work for weight loss

Protein metabolism step by step

How much protein for optimal protein synthesis?

How much protein for optimal protein synthesis. Key take-aways

Urine colour chart

Protein intake advice for older athletes

Women are better fat burners than men

No major differences in substrate use between men and women during prolonged exercise

EAA and Leucine content of different protein sources

Animal versus plant protein

Overview of carbohydrate sources that provide 30 grams

Terminology antioxidants

Antioxidants for athletes Key messages

How nutrition or supplements could affect training adaptation

Why fat burning? is it important?

Role of protein

The most common mistakes in endurance sports

Supplements that may affect endurance adaptation

Vitamin D supplementation guide

US Institute of Medicine Classification of vitamin D status

Vitamin D and exercise performance

Most important factors that determine how much you sweat

Protein intake and bone

Allergy testing

Comparison of coconut water with water and a sports drink

Key strategies to limit infection risk

Energy density of nutrients

Tattoos alter ability to sweat

Periodised nutrition

Breakfast or no breakfast: Different goals - different approach?

Nutrition and sleep

Effects of mental fatigue on physical performance

If we don’t use the same definitions

A simple question today: What is a low carbohydrate diet?

Beta-alanine (1)

Beta-alanine (2)

Energy density of foods

pH inside the body

pH range

Glycogen storage


Pre-workout supplements

Personalised sports nutrition

Effect of vitamin D

Quote Asker Jeukendrup on “who is an expert?”

Protein intake recommendations

How much protein?

How much protein? With large muscle mass

Ketogenic diets: performance facts

mTORC1 signalling pathway

Training adaptation

Glycogen synthesis after exercise: effect of timing

Glycogen synthesis after exercise: effect of carbohydrate amount

Connections between Microbiota - Gut - Brain

Protein content of milk and milk-like beverages

Protein and sugar and kcal in milk and milk-like beverages

Little or no protein in most milk like drinks

HCLF diet compared with High Carb and Periodised Nutrition

Supplement decision chart

Energy intake in EPL players

Carbohydrate intake in EPL players


and more.... (see individual infograohic packages for a complete list of titles.

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